Garden Maintenance
A well maintained garden adds curb appeal and value. From yard clean ups to weeding, soil cultivation and edging, our routine garden maintenance services keep your yard looking marvelous all year long!
Keep your garden clean & healthy all season.
In addition to our lawn care & mowing services, Milieu Landscaping specializes in garden maintenance. Our garden maintenance program offers a number of services to keep your beds manicured and thriving.
We generally recommend all services in our garden maintenance program but can cater specific services for your property’s plant needs. Our qualified teams take great care in working with you on your site and with your plants to create the best plan for you.
Soil Amendments & Mulch Installation
Weed, Trim, Edge, Cultivate
Perennial Flower Divisions
Rose Care Program
Winter Pruning
Integrated Pest Management
Soil Amendments & Mulch Installation
Shredded Bark Mulch
Winter Mulch
WTEC Service (Weed, Trim, Edge, Cultivate)
For a well-kept appearance we recommend this operation be performed at a minimum of four (4) times a year. All plant beds will be weeded, edged and cultivated (if appropriate). Trimming and pruning of ornamental trees, shrubs and groundcover is performed to maintain a well-kept look as well as eliminating any dead or broken branches which are favorite sites for insect and disease infestation. Thinning of plants also allows needed air and sun penetration necessary for proper growth.
Perennial Flower Divisions
Rose Care Program
To encourage continued flowering of your rose plantings, periodic maintenance is required. In addition to deadheading, periodic treatment of diseases and insects as well as fertilization will keep your plants in top notch condition.
Winter Pruning
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
This is a general clean-up of leaves and debris from planting and turf areas. Turf areas will be mowed to a shorter Spring height.
Request A Quote
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and see how we can transform your outdoor space. Our professional and knowledgeable maintenance & mowing crews will ensure that your landscape is beautiful, healthy and well cared for.
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