Watering instructions for new seed/sod
Before 10:00AM
After 5:00PM
During the germination period of approximately 2-3 weeks, you should water 2 to 3 times per day for roughly 5-10 minutes. Almost a mist. The intention is to keep the seed moist, but not to oversaturate and cause run-off. You NEVER want the seed to dry out. It is ok to walk gently on the seed. For seed to germinate it needs moisture, seed-to-soil contact, and soil for its roots.
• After germination, it is important to provide 1.5 inches of water per week. Preferably 2 applications per week of 3⁄4 inches.
• Mow the new lawn when it reaches 2 to 3 inches high.
• Mow when the soil is on the dry side; otherwise, you might tear up the new turf.
• Apply fertilizer about 4 to 6 weeks after germination.
During the establishment period of approximately 2 weeks, you should water twice per day for roughly 30 minutes. The intention is to keep the sod saturated, but not to oversaturate and cause run-off. If water starts to puddle, cut back on the watering time.
• During the third week, reduce watering to once every second or third day.
• Refrain from walking on the new sod for the first 2-3 weeks.
• After roots are fully “netted-in”, it is important to water 1.5 inches of water per week. Preferably 2 applications per week of 3⁄4 inches.
• Mow the new lawn when it reaches close to 3 inches high, at the highest setting.
• Mow when the soil is on the dry side; otherwise, you might tear up the new turf.
• Apply fertilizer about 3-4 weeks after installation.